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EFU LIFE becomes member of MEFIN

EFU Life Assurance Ltd, the leading private sector life insurance company in Pakistan, has been enrolled as a member of the Mutual Exchange Forum on Inclusive Insurance, or MEFIN Network, which is a collegial body of insurance policy makers and regulators in Asia with the aim to promote an efficient and effective collaboration with the insurance industry. Supported by GIZ (Deuts che Gesells chaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit), the forum includes 6 Asian Countries (indonesia, Nepal, Mongolia, Philippines, Vietnam and Pakistan).

EFU Life is the first insurance industry player from any of these 6 countries to be accepted as a member of the network and has been recognized for its focused and forward looking strategy for mass and inclusive insurance with a vision to bring about a visible positive social impact for the masses in Pakistan. EFU Life's induction was approved in the Organizational meeting of MEFIN held in Vietnam on 14 March 2017 and was attended by the regulators from the 6 member countries, and from EFU Life was represented by Mr Mohammed Ali Ahmed, Executive Director. Speaking on the membership, he said "It is indeed a privilege to be accepted as a member of MEFIN - the leading peer-to-peer collaboration network in Asia for inclusive insurance; we are aiming to share our rich experience of micro insurance in Pakistan with the member countries and leam from them too; together we can make a visible impact on the financial inclusion of the masses by offering insurance and savings solutions which provide social uplift to this segment of our population, and at the same time fulfills the objectives of the National Financial Inclusion Strategy of the Govemment"

MEFIN serves as a platform of peer-to-peer learning among policy makers and insurance regulators in the region as it develops and implements programs jointly with the insurance industry that provide mutual benefit to its members in advancing inclusive insurance solutions. Overall, MEF IN aims to create an impact on the regulatory environment in the member countries to foster market and institutional development, with a focus on client value for the benefit of the masses and under-privileged.