It is always tough to save up for something substantial. Setting aside funds for your child’s higher education or marriage, saving up money for your own house or simply having the luxury of a regular income after retirement can be challenging. What you need is a financial instrument that you can make periodic investments in to ensure that when your time of need arrives you have a large amount waiting to be utilized!
EFU Life brings you ‘Khushhali Plan’, an economical savings and protection plan that provides you with the satisfaction of having an accumulated fund at your disposal.
The Khushhali Plan offers starting investments with a minimum annual premium of Rs. 12,500. It provides maximum protection through life insurance coverage and assures you that your investment is secure in a stable fund. You can also grow your investments through Fund Acceleration Premiums and enjoy the flexibility to use your investment when required.
The inflation protection benefit acts as a hedge against inflation. It ensures that the benefits provided by your plan are automatically updated to account for inflation each year. This helps to maintain the real value of your accumulated fund and provides a stronger financial foundation over time.
All individuals aged between 18 and 65 years are eligible to buy this plan. The minimum & maximum annual premium required for this plan is 12,499 PKR & 29,999 PKR respectively.