Secure your future with our Savings & Retirement plans, designed to protect your hard-earned money and ensure a worry-free tomorrow. Whether you're planning your retirement, saving for your dream home or setting aside funds for unexpected expenses, our plans have you covered.
Kamran Malik, a prudent individual whose insurance policy became a crucial lifeline during his heart attack. From covering his medical expenses to alleviating the financial burden, his forward thinking not only ensured his daughter’s future security but also his wellbeing in unforeseen future circumstances.
WatchExperience the remarkable journey of Muhammad Jahanzeb—Canteen Owner, Gardener, Carpenter. His story is a testament to the power of limitless dreams and proactive financial planning. Join us as we witness how dedication and foresight turn aspirations into reality.
WatchMeet Dalton Rodrigues, Principal of St. Matthias School, whose journey underscores the importance of a robust financial plan. His story illuminates how strategic investment can provide a safety net during tough times, offering easy access to savings and invaluable benefits. Join us as we learn from his resilience and foresight.
WatchSavings and Retirement Plans involve paying regular premiums as selected at the inception of the plan to save for your long-term general savings needs such as house financing, unexpected expenses, or retirement. You can access your funds during your plan term or upon maturity of your plan, you can access the accumulated funds as a lump sum or receive periodic payments. Importantly, these plans also offer protection benefit that includes a death benefit for your family in an unfortunate event of your death. It's a versatile approach for saving and retirement while safeguarding your loved ones' future.
Savings and Retirement Plans benefit anyone saving for their financial goals while also seeking protection coverage. These versatile plans are designed to cater wide range of individuals from different segments, such as women, individuals from rural areas, high net-worth individuals, and more. They provide a flexible solution to accumulate wealth and ensure comprehensive protection for you and your loved ones.
Absolutely. Our Savings and Retirement Plans are designed to be flexible and adaptable. You can customize your premiums, choose investment options, and even determine the age at which you'd like to start receiving payouts. Furthermore, you can select the level of protection coverage that suits your requirements.
Savings and Retirement Plans aim to build a retirement fund that can provide you with regular payouts during your retirement years. By consistently contributing and choosing suitable investment options, you can accumulate a fund that supports your desired lifestyle after retirement. The protection element ensures that your loved ones are financially protected even if the unexpected event of death occurs.